Hello, I'm Renée Rigdon. 👋

I’m so glad you are here.

My goal in all creative pursuits is to empower people feel less alone while they explore their own internal landscape through creative connection.

Book Private and Group Crafting Lessons

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About Me

I am nonbinary (they/them). I have been in recovery from alcohol use disorder for four years and counting.
I am a writer. I am an artist. I am a mindful creativity coach.
I am a mom to a singularly amazing human. I am a best friend to THE best friend. I am a grieving widow.
I’m not so much a silly goose as a weird maudlin possum with an abiding love of dad jokes.
I genuinely believe in the power of creativity to hold us together and help us grow and heal through everything that life can throw at us.
I teach self-care crafting and creativity workshops to groups, and offer one-on-one coaching to individuals to maximize our ability to survive in a complicated world. I hope you’ll join me.

What I Do

Classes that put creativity in reach

I combine beginner-friendly art and craft instruction with mindfulness techniques that transforms classes into spaces of creativity and connection.

Words that shine a light 💡on tenderness

I write poetry and prose that illuminates my path through this human experience as a queer autistic widow in a big, loud world.

Illustrations that help you feel something

Primarily through the subject of robots, I create illustrations that provide access to the way emotions present themselves in our bodies and spirits.

👪 Community Building

Need help with your volunteer engagement program at your nonprofit? I am available for consulting.

Cozy Vibes

I am a multimedia artist, primarily focused on fiber arts. Everything I make is designed to want to be touched and interacted with. I am a believer that perceiving art does not have to be a “hands off” experience. I love to create works that can be held, played with, or changed as the viewer wishes.
Book private and group crafting lessons

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